Welcome to our new forum "Student Forum"! The goal of this forum is to allow students to help and be helped with anything related to school. It is also a platform to meet more friends. There are simple rules to be followed to keep peace and order in the community.
1. Avoid cussing We would like the community to have as less drama as possible which is why we are encouraging you to avoid cussing as this can result in misunderstandings and fights.
2. No sensitive topics Sensitive topics include topics relating to religion, the government, and etc. We want our users to feel comfortable with the community so we advise you not to talk about topics that can make other people uncomfortable.
3. No giving out of personal information The internet is a scary place and you cannot trust everyone as they can be putting up a facade. This is why we do not want you to give out personal information about yourself as this can be harmful to you. Simply, everyone from the internet must stay on the internet.
4. No giving out of passwords The Student Forum administration will never ask for your password. With that in mind, please do not give your password to anyone who says that they are an administrator of this forum.
With all those rules, we hope that you will have a good time in the forum!